Sunday, October 01, 2006

Why did I start here?

Again, hexagram 5, why did I start here? Well, I did mention hexagrams 1 & 2, but just in passing. But is there any real starting point? We can start either at the starting point, or our starting point. After all, how do we get back to where we started if we don't start at the right place? Get back to where we started? I thought we wanted to reach the finish line. Doesn't everything go in cycles? If we end up where we started we will, "know the place for the very first time." And really, we have to start with ourselves. Isn't spiritual growth getting to know ourselves? Who else is there if we are all one?

Before I go any further, the profile part of this website doesn't work especially well, so I want to relate somethings that are related but only indirectly. If none of you ever read another book, read Peter Novak's "Original Christianity." In fact, read his whole series, nothing can save your soul faster than knowing it needs to be saved. I joke often, but there is a time to be serious too. The book, "Original Christianity" is based primarily on the Gospel of Thomas.

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