Friday, November 18, 2011

A Little Bit Slow

I have been a little bit slow about posting lately, please bear with me, I have had a number of shocking events occurring in my life lately that must be dealt with. I am into my new place now and enjoying it but there are still a lot of start up costs, and other unexpected events to be dealt with.

No matter how well we know the I Ching, and none of us know it well enough, nobody does, there are things that happen that are unexpected and unprepared for. We have to deal with those things as it is our karma. It is not that we have not brought them on ourselves. It is our karma. All of us, at some place in our lives play the part of the victim, not consciously, but by projection outside, we place the blame on other people or events, and think life is unfair, when in reality we orchestrate our own fate and our own karma on the inside. The I Ching is not a cure all, and it works only for the "superior person," and the more we refine ourselves and become more spiritually mature, the more it works for us, be we are all underlings, (remember the Shakespearean play where it is said, "It is not in the stars dear Brutus, but in ourselves, that we are underlings."? We do not see all or know all, actually very little, that is why we must allow the universe, the Tao to flow through us. Nevertheless, while we have a karma to fulfill, we must bear it calmly, and not allow ourselves to play the role of victim, but to accept that karma that comes to us, then "fate is favorable."

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