Thursday, January 25, 2007

50 line 3 part 3

In fact my new years resolution of having a more coherent site, so far, is not becoming manifest. Believe me, though, sometimes it is so hard to determine what should be spoken of next, how, and why, who will read, and what effect will it have? I hear things from day to day that jog my memory, or at least shock me into thinking a further topice is more important and pertinent at this point in time. Nevertheless, for now I will continue with hexagram 50 line 3, and see if I can't do this and then speak a little on a different topic. But in this immediate instant, let me just say, that the news I am receiving as to what is happenning behind the scenes in the news is shocking, even for me who is not so likely to be shocked. If anyone doubts this is the end of the Piscean age, you won't doubt much longer. The weather, the sun, and politics are all acting up now in unbelievable ways, and it is all interrelated. We are headed for a crisis, a serious one, that soon, even the doubters cannot dispell. I discussed on another forum, and I must say I went overboard and showed what I am sure sounded like hostility because things I knew for a fact were happening, were being challenged. I apologize for that to anyone who might be reading this who remembers. I do get a little overly perturbed, to put it mildly, when people challenge my knowledge of the coming new age. This is my area where I need to practice forgiveness. I bring this up because of a discussion I had regarding Yellowstone National Park, and the thermal activity there. Today, there were some earthquake swarms around Yellowstone National Park. This in itself means little, and there has long been some activity there. However, this is being portrayed in the midst of mucLine h news of a planet overall whose weather and geological disposition seem to be getting more and more out of balance. Nature is part of the universal subconscious mind machine, and when that mind machine feels itself becoming out of balance, it will, and I mean emphatically, IT WILL, rebalance itself, whatever it takes. This is involved in the nature of the interchange between yin and yang.

Anyway, the text of line three next says, "The fat of the pheasant is not eaten." When our understanding of the I Ching is not adequate, we cannot truly eat of its bounty. This is another way of saying, as in hexagram 48, line 3, "The well is cleaned, but no one drinks from it..." In hexagram 48, we do not drink the waters, and in hexagram 50, we do not eat from its bounty. We may receive this line when we are not using the knowledge we are being given, or we may receive this line when we do not understand the message that is presented to us. It may also be the case that we receive this line when we have something to share, but no one to share it with. This is true on both the cosmic level, and on the individual level. The I Ching has something to share, but its knowledge and its wisdom is not known or recognized. This is the case when our minds our still convinced of a cold dead universe with a consciousness other than individual consciousnesses. The I Ching is not recognized for what it is, the Bible is not recognized for what it is, the Upanishads, the Tao Teh Ching, or what have you. Line three of hexagram 48 is very, very similar to line three of hexagram 50. Both discuss a situation where an able man is available, but no one recognizes him. In our society, we recognize movie stars, great singers, great dancers, and other entertainers fairly quickly. This is because these kinds of talenta are noticeable, and attractive. The great men and women, the sages, the holy ones, have talents that do not readily appear, and because much of society is not ready mentally and emotionally to understand their value, they of necessity hide their light, though they still shine to those who are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared to recognize their talent.

More on line three hexagram 50 tomorrow.


  1. Hi Gene,

    I agree with this for sure:
    "Nature is part of the universal subconscious mind machine, and when that mind machine feels itself becoming out of balance, it will, and I mean emphatically, IT WILL, rebalance itself, whatever it takes. This is involved in the nature of the interchange between yin and yang."

    I frankly don't understand how people can still believe they are "above it all." That's quite a delusion.

    You probably don't need another title to add to your reading list, but if you ever get the time, read Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by James Oschman, ISBN 0443062617. It includes some pretty convincing scientific proof (for people who need it) that the human energy field interacts constantly with the earthly and atmospheric energy field; every minute we are emitting and absorbing energy in our surroundings.

    (I'm also delighted that he has proof of the exchange of healing energy between patients and practitioners of qi healing, therapeutic touch, and other healing-hands practices.)

    So, yes, any re-balancing the planet does will certainly be felt by humans.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Thanks for writing this.
